ChangeWork is a partnership. It is a process done by fully comitted participants, ready to do anything that is needed to reach the desired result.
1. Presentation of a Problem = Start point of ChangeWork
Stages of ChangeWork
The client presents a pressing problem or a goal they want to achieve.
2. Active Questioning = Problem solving
The client is actively participating by willingly and fully answering questions provided by the ChangeWorker.
3. Tranceformation = Finding solutions
A state that is needed to to find solutions is facilitated by the Changeworker. Client is mostly an active listener.
4. Testing Stage
Changeworker tests and challenges the clients Changework process for the client to fully Ancor and obliterate any posibility of a re-bound.
5. Confirming Changework
Both parties confirm that the problem is no more and the client agrees to comit to one positive actionable step to integrate the ChangeWork.