
ChangeWork is a partnership. It is a process done by fully comitted participants, ready to do anything that is needed to reach the desired result.

1. Presentation of a Problem = Start point of ChangeWork

Stages of ChangeWork

The client presents a pressing problem or a goal they want to achieve.

2. Active Questioning = Problem solving

The client is actively participating by willingly and fully answering questions provided by the ChangeWorker.

3. Tranceformation = Finding solutions

A state that is needed to to find solutions is facilitated by the Changeworker. Client is mostly an active listener.

4. Testing Stage

Changeworker tests and challenges the clients Changework process for the client to fully Ancor and obliterate any posibility of a re-bound.

5. Confirming Changework

Both parties confirm that the problem is no more and the client agrees to comit to one positive actionable step to integrate the ChangeWork.

- You are not willing to do the required work to create the ChangeWork.
- You don't want to Change.
- You are adamant on what the Solution needs to be (it does not work that way).
- You don't trust the process or me as your facilitator.
- You want multiple sessions, decade long therapy - this process is quick, intense and effective.
- You want to listen to hypnotherapy recordings for 30 days and more. The change happens now, no need to do "homework". Who even has time for that?

This is not for you, if:

- Be Willing.
- Be 100proc. Invested to go through ChangeWork.
- Participate fully during Changework - be an active problem solver. You are the one who will be making the change. What you put in, you will get out.
- Get ready to answering questions - be curious and open to the answers you will receive. The more willing is the participant, the easier the process.
- Register for an initial Strategy Call if you are a first timer.

Your part:

- 100proc. fully commited to facilitate the changework for the client.
- Be open and ready to help solve Any internal problem presented by the client.
- Help the client find the RootCause and eliminated all relevant Blocking patterns.
- Holding safe space for your Tranceformation process.
- Test/Challenge your Tranceformation.
- Confirm the Changework.

My part:

From a Kind place, I will always push you though Hell if needed. High emotions, anger or frustration is a possibility during the session. Whatever happens, it is your mind and body looking for Solutions and is encouraged as part of the process - don't resist it. You have been warned. Be prepared to Change.


Your homework preparation:

Come with one internal problem/goal you want to work on. Know that no problem is too big or too small. You don't need to know the what or why. Just come in willing and be excited that life will never be the same again.

Charge based per Change, not Time.
We work for Results.

Base market rate or individual evaluation.
Exchange of skills is an option.

My priority is to create the Change for you.
Your priority is to get the pricing that Works for you.
Let's parley :)

So what are you waiting for? Register for the initial Strategy Call.

Pricing of ChangeWork